I am a researcher in applied mathematics in the Inria project-team
at the University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.
My research is centered on inverse wave problems, with an emphasis on
time-harmonic wave equations, seismic imaging, and helioseismology.
I develop and maintain the open-source parallel software
for nonlinear inversions.
time-HArmonic Wave modEling and INversion using Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin
Open-source software that combines mpi and OpenMP
parallelism to solve time-harmonic forward and inverse wave problems.
• Website, with documentation and tutorials: https://ffaucher.gitlab.io/hawen-website.
• Source code: https://gitlab.com/ffaucher/hawen.
• Reference:
F. Faucher,
hawen: time-harmonic wave modeling and inversion using hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin discretization
, Journal of Open Source Software, 6 (57), 2021.
Large-scale modeling
Inverse wave problems